Thursday 8 May 2014

A Long Overdue Letter to My Younger Self

Yes, you're going to be saying that one day, deal with it.
I know you hate school right now and that it seems like your worst nightmares came true, but when you get here, scurrying between a workplace and college, you'll reminisce those days. So first, live that up. Like literally. Live it. Take lots of pictures, you'll cherish them when it's all gone. 

I know you hate Ma for forcing you to go to bed at 10, but believe me, there's going to be a day when you'll crave that eight hour sleep that's your daily dose right now. Speaking of Ma, and listen very carefully 'cause this is probably the most important piece of advice anyone will ever give you and I do wish I'd gotten it sooner. She's going to get menopausal soon. No it's not just theoretical. It actually happens. Yes, she's going to go crazy and you won't relate to her anymore. She'll drive you to wits end and you'll have the most meaningless fights ever fought, but remind yourself everyday that you love her. You do. 

Please don't eat that pizza and those chips. Please. PLEASE. Yes I know it's a flavor party in your mouth but you're going to have the toughest time scraping all that weight off your body. It's a pain. No, I mean literally.

Don't buy that expensive cell phone right after Boards. You're going to lose it.
Don't make late night phone calls a habit. You don't know it yet but your bill is itemized and every number is recorded. Don't make that mistake.

Hold on to the best friend. She's the only one that's going to stick it out, in spite of everything. She's going to be miles away, so make the best of the time you do have.

Live your life. Nothing stays back but for the memories. They fade away too one day. There's going to be a lot of curveballs thrown at you but you're going to be okay. I know it seems like the scariest thing right now but it's not.
There's going to be lots of happy moments that you want to live for. Lots of heart wrenching times that you're going to sail through.
Your life is going to be drama, but you're going to love it. Every bit of it.
Hang in there, little one. One day your drama will define you.


Nautanki Naari.

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