It was the fourth night in a row he had dreamt of walking into a sunset. Like, literally into one.
The sun blazing royally in shades of crimson and a forlorn gray. Was it going to rain? Was the world just closing in on him? What on earth was the dream supposed to mean?
He rubbed his face vehemently in order to shake off the queasy feeling the dream had brought upon him.
He moved on to his chores but his mind kept backtracking to the one thing that didn't make sense. Make that one more thing that didn't make sense, he smiled bitterly.
What was he thinking when he pushed her away from himself? Or was he thinking at all? God knows. It seemed right back then and there was nothing better he could think of. He knew and well enough that he had turned into a self consuming, hollow being whose inner demons had had the better of him. His soul had kissed him goodbye a long time ago and there was a void inside of him that only she seemed to fill.
Gosh that scared him and how!
Here there was an emptiness that he had found a way around, a kind of desolation he had convinced himself was necessary for his very existence and a stone hearted reality that was now just that- his reality. And then there was her, wilted as a stemless flower, crippled by her own emotions and broken; even incomplete by herself. But in some farcical way that seemed like nothing less than borderline sorcery, she completed him in the most ridiculous way there was.
She made him feel complete. Whole.
She was the one magical thing in his illusioned world.
Of course that scared him. Was there anything more daunting than a woman who understood him? All these years of watchful isolation for what? Definitely not this. Caving in wasn't an option.
Another day passed in equal sombreness if not more. Climbing into the bed for two, all alone, he braced himself for another wave of scepticism to wash him into miles and miles of uncertainty.
What if.
What if these dreams were the illusions that masked his reality?
What if those sunsets weren't really sunsets but day breaks? What if it were really dawn? A new beginning?
Could it be possible that life was blindfolding him into a tomorrow that were meant to fill out his void in the most unprecedented way ever?
What if those weren't really endings but just a bunch of drunken horizons hazing his vision?
What if, his reality was destined to be better, way better than his dreams?
The sun blazing royally in shades of crimson and a forlorn gray. Was it going to rain? Was the world just closing in on him? What on earth was the dream supposed to mean?
He rubbed his face vehemently in order to shake off the queasy feeling the dream had brought upon him.
He moved on to his chores but his mind kept backtracking to the one thing that didn't make sense. Make that one more thing that didn't make sense, he smiled bitterly.
What was he thinking when he pushed her away from himself? Or was he thinking at all? God knows. It seemed right back then and there was nothing better he could think of. He knew and well enough that he had turned into a self consuming, hollow being whose inner demons had had the better of him. His soul had kissed him goodbye a long time ago and there was a void inside of him that only she seemed to fill.
Gosh that scared him and how!
Here there was an emptiness that he had found a way around, a kind of desolation he had convinced himself was necessary for his very existence and a stone hearted reality that was now just that- his reality. And then there was her, wilted as a stemless flower, crippled by her own emotions and broken; even incomplete by herself. But in some farcical way that seemed like nothing less than borderline sorcery, she completed him in the most ridiculous way there was.
She made him feel complete. Whole.
She was the one magical thing in his illusioned world.
Of course that scared him. Was there anything more daunting than a woman who understood him? All these years of watchful isolation for what? Definitely not this. Caving in wasn't an option.

What if.
What if these dreams were the illusions that masked his reality?
What if those sunsets weren't really sunsets but day breaks? What if it were really dawn? A new beginning?
Could it be possible that life was blindfolding him into a tomorrow that were meant to fill out his void in the most unprecedented way ever?
What if those weren't really endings but just a bunch of drunken horizons hazing his vision?
What if, his reality was destined to be better, way better than his dreams?
Nautanki Naari you are just growing better as a writer