We live in an era of stereotypes. A society where judging others is the only way forward, where criticism is a must and taking one down, piece by piece is a practice.
I'm ashamed to belong to this era where condemning others is a trend that never really dies out. The whole "We v/s Them" concept is rather disgraceful to humanity.
Society outdid itself when it questioned Creationism and its being. Questioning the existence of the Creator, really, how far is that going to take us?
And then there's the belief that Fairness equals beauty. It's ridiculous how many companies are cashing in on this drift. We all went to school, we KNOW that your skin tone can only change temporarily and not to mention, hamper with your skin and cause it to age faster than natural. Yet, we're brainwashed by the dark skinned actresses who claim that Fairness Creams are part of your physiological needs and that only the possession of one will bring you success, fame, money and love. Pitiful? No, what's pitiful is the fact that the companies are minting money. What's the point of all those hours in Bio class now?
That women believe that beauty can be defined by a color. That's what is pitiful.
No matter how white your skin gets, if you're not happy in it, you'll never be pretty.
Instead of fighting the practice of skin lightening, we have women lining up outside skin clinics and buying fairness creams to "fit in".
Why would anyone want to fit in? Whatever happened to standing out and being unique?

Our society has progressed in terms of technology and economy but the mindset froze and has remained stagnant in the yesteryears.
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, not color of your skin.
Society hammers the minds of the consumers and influences them to believe that there's a list of norms which if not followed will result in rejection of the dark skinned, making them social outcasts.
We have to stop discriminating on the grounds of color. Rejecting a proposal because of color, secluding a fellow classmate because of his color, treating them like aliens, it all has to stop.
This vicious wave has now caught on to the men as well. Fairer skin equals more girls, more lucrative offers, more success in life. Really? What age are we from? Stone Age?
There's a reason the "Tall-Dark-Handsome" is a cliche. There's a reason estrogen levels go for a toss at the sight of a T-D-H. Not White, Dark.
One of my best friends is dark skinned and I believe she's one of the prettiest women I've met. Simply because she loves her skin, doesn't over-expose her photos or try to be what she isn't and instead takes pride in what she is.
Being white doesn't make you pretty. But wanting to be white sure does make you not you. And that's the worst version of you.
Take pride in yourself. Your color doesn't define you.
And even if it does, you're beautiful. Dark is beautiful.
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Hi there!
DeleteI'm not looking for something of that sort as of now, but thank you for the offer! :D
I don't now how I ended up on your blog, reading this, but I know it made my day.
ReplyDeleteI had written a similar piece sometime back and share the same belief although I am white in color.
Feels good to know there are still people who feel this way. Thanks. :)
Thank you Madeeha! It's great to know you believe against the discrimination of color too. Keep writing! :)