One of the hardest things you will ever do is to let go of something you have held on to in the darkest of times, harshest of hours and roughest of roads. But if it doesn't offer you a reason to wait around, there's nothing to do but to let go.
When you invest your time, efforts and emotions in something or someone, it's only human for you to urge your patience to hold on just a wee bit more.
You wait. And you wait. And when you're tired of waiting, you wait some more. Not because you cannot go on without them, but because you always dreamed that you never would.
An ending that you thought you would never see. A beginning that you thought would never end.
It comes crashing and you don't know which way to run, because by now you're hallucinating of them in every nook and corner of your mind and heart. Some would call you crazy, but I'd call you real.
If you feel like your world has come to a standstill, that time has frozen and life seems like a haze with illusions of solutions but no real way out, I'd call you human. Just another human with a heart.
If you hold on for longer than you've considered letting go, all the strength in the world isn't going to be enough to give you the little push you know you need. You're at the edge of the cliff and you know you have to take the jump, but your heart tugs you backwards. Why wouldn't it? You've spent an eternity cherishing the solidity of land, kissing the grounds and nuzzling in the comfort of what is nothing but a slab of mud underneath your feet. But it's your comfort zone. It's where you've always been. It's like home and you've shed your masks here.
When reality hits you like those sharp winds, you wonder what will happen of you if you fall. Scary, indeed. But what if you fly?
You build something from scratch, you tend to it, nourish it, pay heed to every need and meet every expectation.
Much like growing a plant.
You sow the seeds, water it every day, make sure it gets the sunlight it needs, pull out the weeds that eat at its soil, prune the branches that wither, just about anything it takes. But it's a plant with more thorns than flowers. It pricks your fingers every time you attempt to nurture it. Yes, it gives you beautiful flowers from time to time, but what purpose does it serve if your vision is too hazed by the tears it drew to admire the excruciating beauty of the flower that blooms among a bed of thorns?
Life offers you a lot of chances. Some seem easier than the rest and some seem impossible to hand out.
Some situations resemble a death sentence and some will set you afloat all the way to Cloud 9.
But sometimes, you have no choice but to let it go. No matter how miserable it makes you, no matter how much it breaks you, it's the right thing to do and you know it.
Letting go of anything that involved love may seem like a task so impossible that it may physically break you. And there's only one thing worse than that, it's to hold on to something that hurts.
If it doesn't make you happy, let it go.
Sometimes the choice is between letting go and letting go.
Let it go.
When you invest your time, efforts and emotions in something or someone, it's only human for you to urge your patience to hold on just a wee bit more.
You wait. And you wait. And when you're tired of waiting, you wait some more. Not because you cannot go on without them, but because you always dreamed that you never would.
An ending that you thought you would never see. A beginning that you thought would never end.
It comes crashing and you don't know which way to run, because by now you're hallucinating of them in every nook and corner of your mind and heart. Some would call you crazy, but I'd call you real.
If you feel like your world has come to a standstill, that time has frozen and life seems like a haze with illusions of solutions but no real way out, I'd call you human. Just another human with a heart.
When reality hits you like those sharp winds, you wonder what will happen of you if you fall. Scary, indeed. But what if you fly?
You build something from scratch, you tend to it, nourish it, pay heed to every need and meet every expectation.
Much like growing a plant.
You sow the seeds, water it every day, make sure it gets the sunlight it needs, pull out the weeds that eat at its soil, prune the branches that wither, just about anything it takes. But it's a plant with more thorns than flowers. It pricks your fingers every time you attempt to nurture it. Yes, it gives you beautiful flowers from time to time, but what purpose does it serve if your vision is too hazed by the tears it drew to admire the excruciating beauty of the flower that blooms among a bed of thorns?
Life offers you a lot of chances. Some seem easier than the rest and some seem impossible to hand out.
Some situations resemble a death sentence and some will set you afloat all the way to Cloud 9.
But sometimes, you have no choice but to let it go. No matter how miserable it makes you, no matter how much it breaks you, it's the right thing to do and you know it.
Letting go of anything that involved love may seem like a task so impossible that it may physically break you. And there's only one thing worse than that, it's to hold on to something that hurts.
If it doesn't make you happy, let it go.
Sometimes the choice is between letting go and letting go.
Let it go.
Really amazing work. Loved it (Y) :)