If you can relate to the title, you're either as crazy as I am or you have serious issues in life. Or both.
Nothing is as disgraceful as self pity. You're really going to sit in a corner, eat tubs of ice cream, become anti social, let go of yourself and become a hippie, all for the one person that never cared? I don't pity you, I despise you.
What is it that makes a person hold on to something that hurts for this long? Lolisms. Had I known, I wouldn't be writing this.
Getting used to a heart break is probably worse than having your heart broken. It's like burning your hand accidentally and letting it flame for a long time. I know, ouch.
But you know what the real issue is? The fire does tend to die out at a point, but you've gotten so used to living like this that you add kerosene to it to keep it that way. You're afraid to try again. The comfort of someone having ruthlessly broken your heart is too convenient to start over. You're scared to start over. All the ifs and buts come flooding back to you. No, it's better to drown in self pity.

Till a couple of days ago I was just like you. Conveniently shying away from the world because he was one of them and it didn't turn out so good. Then I saw what a lump of shit I was being. Did he deserve this importance I was giving him? By cutting everyone out, avoiding all those things we used to do together?
Shame on me if I let someone divert me from my way of living my life. That's right, MY life, not his. About me, not him.
It's okay to have your heart broken. There's always people surrounding you with the glue and tape you need. What's not okay is to hold on to it. Don't turn your back to those who're offering to fix you.
I'm proud to have had my heart broken. It opened alleys to so many other people who really cared.
This day last year, I was sobbing. Today, I'm smiling from ear to ear as I think of every person who's here with me.
Happy Birthday Heart Break! You did me good!
See you around... Not ;)
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